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The musings of a 20-something songwriter living in LA..


And an EP was born


Every artists first dream is to finish a project. In my case, my first project began 6 years ago when I unknowingly wrote the first iteration of a song called "Holding On." The other songs trickled in over the next several years of growing up and decomposing over and over again. I made so many mistakes, I got hurt so many times, and I still trudged on in my introspection. Now, looking back at those acutely painful portions of my life, I feel comforted by these songs I wrote & re-wrote.

The project is called Different Fonts of Me for many reasons, but especially these two:

  1. This project somehow simultaneously holds pieces of me at 17...and 19..and 21 and still feels like a piece of me today

  2. "All your failed attempts at different fonts of me" is my favorite in "Horror Movie" partially because I think it's a cool way to describe someone having a type and partially because I was told to change it by more than one person (and no one puts baby in a corner)

I didn't even reason I was writing my debut EP, one day it just clicked. It was my first time walking out past the fields of singer-songwriter-land and into something bigger, cooler, more electronic. When I met Jondren, I became obsessed with the idea of soundscapes and just huge messes of synths and chaos. I love how we meshed the worlds we knew into this genre I truly cannot describe, but I always smile when I hear.

I'm so proud to get to call this project finished & I'm so honored to have finished it with amazing collaborators like Jondren, Mario, Kat, Tom, Eli, Annie, Lee, and Oren. It felt only natural to release the final song "Holding On" with the EP, closing the chapter how it all began.

Different Fonts of Me

Releasing Nov. 10, 2023



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